Graduate Profile

On successful completion of the B.A. Hon. in Linguistics, the graduates will engage their professionalism through the trilingual p r o f i c i e n c y by language skills, speech therapy, communications, and public relations in addition to respective fields of language and Linguistics. The graduates of Linguistics will gain experience and skills in the application of linguistic theories to contribute in l a n g u a g e t e a c h i n g , language planning activities, finding remedies for language and speech disorders nationally and find the solutions for the linguistic issues in the bilingual and multi-lingual societies


Graduate Profile

Graduates with a BA special degree in English Literature from the University of Jaffna will have a broad, wide-ranging textual and theoretical knowledge in the field of English literary and language studies. They will possess a solid understanding of the historical development of the English language, English literature and literatures written in different varieties of English from different parts of the world. They will have a clear view of the paradigms deployed in literary analysis and language studies and be able to analyze literary texts and linguistic situations critically bringing in inter-disciplinary approaches and interpret them from various perspectives.